
The Nitty Gritty


Type of Payment

Touch Release Bodywork accepts cash only at the time of service. At this time, I’m not an insurance provider.

No Show Policy

Please be considerate of my time and income. If you need to cancel, please call or email a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so will require full payment from you for a no show fee. If there is failure to pay the no show fee or two no-shows, you will be denied further services. In the event of a medical emergency or illness (see Illness below), this fee will be waived.

(Note: Failure to attend your scheduled session without notice prevents others from receiving treatment in your place. This equals a loss of income for me since the appointment time could be filled in your place with enough advance notice. I am unable to call someone to come in at the last minute, and I don’t have a waiting room of people backlogged that can fill the time either. )


Please do not attend your session if you aren’t well. Illness spreads easily even though I’m careful with hand washing, changing all linens, and cleanliness. In the event of a medical emergency or illness, this fee will be waived.

Male Client Policy

Bodywork: Because I work alone in my own home, it is my policy to accept no male patients for bodywork unless under the following conditions: If there’s a doctor’s note/referral. By referral from another patient I know that also knows you. Intuitive Readings are exempt, unless they are done in person, then the above rules apply.

Privacy Policy

All interactions between a client and me are completely confidential. Anything you submit on this website is not disclosed to anyone. More about my Privacy Policy here.